Form | Is your advert: realist narrative, anti-realist narrative, animation, documentary, talking heads or stand alone |
Style | humorous, surreal |
codes and conventions | Camera angle, shot, iconography, editing, lighting, sound, music |
Computer graphics | Special effects (SFX) |
Techniques | solution to a problem, self-perception, social position; |
Characteristics of products or services | benefits offered; advantages over other similar products; unique selling proposition (USP); lifestyle appeal; brand identity |
Regulation | Advertising Standards Authority (ASA); Ofcom |
Brief and criteria:
During the length of this project my task and main outcome was to be able to learn and expand my knowledge on the following;
- Know about the structures and techniques of television advertisements
- Be able to originate and develop an idea for a television advertisement
- Be able to produce a television advertisement
- Be able to reflect upon own television advertisement production work.
Our very first lesson of this unit our teacher, Sarah, divided our class up into small groups. I got paired up with my class mate Elliot. I will be producing the soundtrack for his advertisement and he will be doing the same for mine once the final product is complete.
I then started to brainstorm all my ideas on paper and then uploaded them all to my blog.
I came up with a variety of ideas these included advertising perfume, clothes, shoes and my final chosen product, Barry M nail varnish as well as their other products.
Once I had finalised my idea I spent near enough every lesson doing research before filming my advert as well as completing the tasks set by my teacher which all had to be displayed on my blogger as evidence I had done the work.
My initial idea for my advert was to not make it miss leading; therefore the form of my advert had to be realistic. I decided to go with a realist advertisement purely because I wanted it to appeal to the correct target audience (15- 25 of age) I also wanted to see how well and persuasive I could make the advert in comparison to anti realist adverts which I personally feel are enormously persuasive making them exceedingly successful.
I looked into Barry M’s official website and adverts on YouTube. I learnt a lot about the style used and the correct codes and conventions of that particular genre of advertisement.
My story behind my advert is about a group of teenage girls who sneak into one of the Henley regatta tents to have a picnic. I wanted to make my advert come across ‘rebellious’ but not too extreme as I had to think about other people who will watch the advert. I did not want to miss lead them into thinking it’s ok to do stuff like that by glamourizing the event during my advert that was not what I intended to do.
I would like to think my advert shows a sense of humour along with surrealism to make the advert appealing and friendly.
I thought ahead and took into consideration the particular codes and conventions for an advert like mine. I tried to include as many shots, camera angles as possible. This included a wide variety of long shots to extreme close ups. As well as thinking of all the different shots I was using I also had to think of the lighting, especially as it was raining all day when I was filming! The poor weather didn’t help but I knew if worse came to worse I could edit the lighting in post-production. That it did, and I managed to greater the brightness via premiere. The meaning of Iconography was new to me and intended to present iconography throughout my advertisement. This was showed through various objects, such as glitter, bubbles, cupcakes etc.
What I would have done if I didn’t already ask Elliot for my music was to incorporate vocals in the soundtrack and then represent the lyrics in a moving image for the advert, that way people are seeing what they hear. I noticed this in almost every Barry M advert.
Sound and music will all be produced by Elliot; however I can direct him and give him a certain amount of guidance as to how I would like my music to sound. This includes (voice overs, background sound) and overall music.
The techniques used in my advert are all very similar and fall into the same category almost;
Solution to a problem
A solution to any problem will be received as wearing my product Barry M. Wearing my product will be the clarification to a problem, but it also makeup is stereotypically associated with being ‘pretty’ so it would also make your social position stand sturdily.
Social position
Wearing Barry M can make it seem that you are in a higher position and can make you more sociable as it is in fashion and trendy.
Wearing my product Barry M will allow people to see themselves in a diverse and unique way, making them feel more confident and better about themselves.
The characteristic of my product/ services is my exclusive unique selling point. In comparison to the iconic Cadburys advertisement mine is very ‘safe’ and has been done before. I chose to do this and not go too far in style and theme wise purely because I know that my target audience (women) are more persuaded into buying beauty products by watching them on TV screen. It’s been done before but I somehow feel the public appreciate it more and at least I know this advertisement does work and will continue to be made in the near future.
Advertising standards authority
Due to Ofcom’s rules and regulations I would say that my advert has stuck to outlines and objectives given. I feel my advert has not portrayed anyone in the wrong way and has not stereotyped people.
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